Handmade Beautiful Blue Evil Eye Bracelet - Good Karma, Positive Energies and Protection
Handmade Beautiful Blue Evil Eye Bracelet - Good Karma, Positive Energies and Protection
Beautiful Blue Evil Eye Bracelet - Brings “Good Karma, Positive Energies and Protection” “Good Luck”
Stunning EYE catching, bold, Evil Eye bracelet. Perfect for men and women.
Blue: Color of the sky – symbolizes truth and therefore it provides direct protection against the evil eye. The “EVIL EYE” “mati ojo turco” nazar” the tradition of the charm persists, for new babies, new businesses, housewarmings and even new cars. Any occasion when a “Good Luck” wish is called for.
It was a widely extended belief among many Mediterranean and Asian tribes and cultures. Charms and decoration with eye-like symbols knows a “nazars”, which are used to repel the evil eye are a common sight across Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Iraq , Lebanon, Morocco, Southern Italy ( Naples), the Levant and Afghanistan. The “Evil Eye” has become a popular choice of souvenir with tourists.
Length: 20 CM
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